Thursday, October 18, 2012

Even More Random Advice

I saw something yesterday that led me to contemplate these words of wisdom:

Men with comb-overs should be extra careful on extra windy days.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Random Advice

Here's something I thought would be self-evident but apparently isn't.

When you're on a crowded silent bus and decide to make a phone call, I wouldn't advise using "BOO!" as your greeting of choice.

Just FYI.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I Don't Think that Means What You Think It Means

Just a quick observation:

While driving home last night, I noticed the advertising on the old pickup truck in front of me.  Created by aligning reflective stickers usually reserved for mailbox posts, it was obviously for a business that delivered firewood.  It was their slogan, however, that drew my eye:

Go Green.  Use Wood for "Heat"

I don't know what I loved more: the complete misunderstanding of what "going green" means, or the hilariously unnecessary quotes around "Heat."

Either way, I do know I laughed like an idiot for a good 30 seconds.