Thursday, November 8, 2012

Well Color Me Red and Call Me a Tomato

This is a quick "embarrassed" version of my usual avatar.


I had a moment of random mortification this morning.

While surfing a message board, I saw a post which struck me.  "Wow," I thought, "that was a really nice turn of phrase.  Who wrote that?"  I look over to the name...

I wrote it.


Somehow it feels okay if I look back at a story I worked hard on and think, "I'm pretty proud of what I did there.  I think it all came together in the end."  But if I look at something I don't remember writing and think, "That's really good" then I feel like an egotistical jerk for some reason.

I don't know if that's just me over-reacting, but I do know I hope no one walks by my desk until my cheek color turns back to normal.