Thursday, May 31, 2012

Comic Book Coolness Quotient Quiz

You know who's even lamer?
Batman's wannabe cousin, Bat-man.
Yes, those are upside down bats on his head.
Yes, I'm in a really cheesy mood today.
 When I asked my friends (in the middle of an unrelated conversation for no apparent reason - it's what I do) if Batman or Superman was cooler, the response was unanimous: Batman, of course.

I must say, I have to agree with them.

Why do I always find Batman cooler than Superman? Is it his style, his dark mysterious nature… his car? I always look at Batman as the cool one and Superman as the slightly irritating Boy Scout, but maybe that's just being unfair.

If I look at their qualities on paper and compare them as if they were real people, it looks totally different. Hmmm, who would I like to be friends with? The brooding vigilante who spends his nights beating people up and can never seem to communicate his true feelings to others due to his childhood trauma? Or the mild-mannered and far more socially capable young man from the happy loving family? Seems like a pretty easy choice.

Then again, Supes does have that self-righteous streak in him that can get really annoying – and Bats does have a softer side deep down, or else he wouldn't ever let anyone partner up with him, much less a kid – plus, he still has that car. That's really sad, though, if I can let a fancy piece of metal influence my judgment of the worth of a person…

Ehh, who am I trying to kid? Batman's cooler.

Batman and Superman are (c) DC Comics.
My parody scribble is (c) 2012 A. M. Perkins


  1. Ooh great question. (I followed you from Nathan Bransford's blog, because you referenced Spiderman!) I would go Superman, because myself, I love Superman. Superman actually has powers. Mind, does that make Batman cooler? Because he's trained himself...

    1. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

      I think it probably also depends which Superman you're talking about.

      Christopher Reeves Superman? Very cool. I would definitely hang out with him.

      Tom Welling Superman? A bit too judgmental. I always preferred Green Arrow on that show (who, probably not coincidentally, was like Batman)

      I think Superman's powers make him an easy target, ironically, because it's easy to say, "Well, sure, you can beat the bad guys - you've got 57 powers!"

      Maybe it's the American ideal of the self-made man.

      Or maybe I'm spending way too much time analyzing fictional characters :-)

    2. Reeves Supes definitely the best! I think the parallel of the self-made man is a v. interesting one!

      You and me both ;)
